Senior officers for every divisions posed together with the Chief Administrator of the Parliament of Malaysia (from centre), Hon. Datuk Awang Alik Bin Jeman and Hon. Datuk Roosme binti Hamzah after the workshop ended at the Bilik Jamuan, Main Block, Parliament of Malaysia.
PARLIAMENT OF MALAYSIA, 17 January – The 2017 SKT Performance and the 2018 SKT Arrangement Workshop were held for every divisions involved at the Main Block of the Parliament of Malaysia.
The 2017 SKT Performance and the 2018 SKT Arrangement Workshop were attended by senior officers of each division involved and the programme was officiated by Hon. Datuk Awang Alik bin Jeman, Chief Administrator of the Parliament of Malaysia. Also attending, Hon. Datuk Roosme bt Hamzah, Secretary of the House of Representatives and Hon. Mr Riduan bin Rahmat, Secretary of the House of Senate.
Hon. Datuk Awang Alik bin Jeman, Chief Administrator of the Parliament of Malaysia is giving his speech to the senior officers of every divisions at the Bilik Jamuan, Main Block, Parliament of Malaysia.
Last updated: 13 February 2018 | Hits: 4009