Datuk Roosme binti Hamzah, Secretary of the House of Representatives and Datuk Awang Alik bin Jeman, Chief Administrator of Parliament of Malaysia.
The Briefing Session for the Members of the House of Representatives of the Fourteenth Parliament was held on 26 June 2018 at the Banquet Hall, Main Block, Parliament of Malaysia.
The briefing was given by Datuk Awang Alik bin Jeman, Chief Administrator of Parliament of Malaysia and Datuk Roosme binti Hamzah, Secretary of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malaysia.
Some of the MPs who attended the briefing session
Most Members of the House of Representatives attended the briefing session. It was held to give exposure on the proceedings of the House which will take place from 18 July to 16 August.
The First Meeting of the First Session of the Fourteenth Parliament will convene for 20 days. The Swearing-in Ceremony will be held on 16 July 2018 and the Opening Ceremony is on 17 July 2018.
Last updated: 29 June 2018 | Hits: 2301