Disinfection Process in Malaysian Parliament
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PARLIAMENT OF MALAYSIA, 30 NOVEMBER 2020 - Parliament of Malaysia has conducted daily disinfection process to follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia to prevent the spread of the COVID19. This process is to ensure the safety and health of all Members of Parliament and staff during the third meeting of the third session, 14th Parliament. The process is done at night after the session has ended.


The disinfection work is carried out by the Fire and Rescue team (JBPM) from Jalan Tun Razak Fire Station in collaboration with the Security and Management Division of Parliament. Apart from the scheduled disinfection works, the Parliament of Malaysia has also arranged for COVID-19 screening test to be conducted every 2 weeks for MPs and staff on duty.


All MPs are also reminded that they must comply with other SOPs such as wearing face masks, use of disinfectant and one-meter social distancing for their seats in the House to curb the spread of COVID -19.

Last updated: 08 December 2020 | Hits: 1237

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