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Parliament, 23 July 2014 – For the first time, Parliament of Malaysia held a Special Sitting to discuss on the humanitarian issue involving Malaysia and to condemn Israel’s Zionist Regime attack on Gaza that was first held on 12 January 2009.

Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Razak, delivering a special motion regarding the tragic incident that befell flight MH17 at the Special Sitting of the House of Representatives.
Members of Parliament from both sides are united in condemning the inhumane and irresponsible action of the party who shot down Flight MH17 on 17 July. The stance was expressed during the debate at the Special Sitting of Parliament. The Special Sitting was held to discuss the motion on the Flight MH17 Tragedy tabled by the Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Haji Razak at the House of Representatives.

All Members of Parliaments showed their unity on the Flight MH17 tragedy as they observed a minute of silence for the victims at the beginning of the Special Sitting. For the Members of Parliament who are practising Islam, they recited Al-Fatihah for the victims.

The Prime Minister said in his speech that Malaysia firmly condemns the inhumane, uncivilised and violent action of irresponsible party who shot down the plane. He described the act of shooting down the commercial plane as a cruel and violent crime.

He also thanked the Opposition Leader, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Gelang Patah MP, Lim Kit Siang, as well as the leaders of other parties for condemning the MH17 tragedy as a genocide and demanding the murderers to be brought to justice.

Dato’ Sri Najib in his speech said he has instructed the Attorney-General to look into the MH17 tragedy to ensure any actions taken later are in line with the international law.

The motion was approved after a debate by 22 Members of Parliament; 12 from Barisan Nasional (BN) and 10 from the Opposition, which convened since 10am. All representatives from both sides praised and supported the way the Prime Minister handling the tragedy.

The same support is expected to be shown by the Members of Parliament to set aside political differences and express solidarity of Malaysians that condemn the inhumane action on the ill-fated plane that killed 298 passengers of different nationalities including the cabin crew.

Last updated: 04 August 2014 | Hits: 1709

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