Client's Charter and Achievements
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1.           Managing Parliamentary Sitting
(i)     The House of Representatives.
(a) To ensure that the Notice on the date of the sitting to all members of the House of Representatives and the ministries are issued within 28 days from the date of the first day of the session in accordance with S.O. 9 (2) (a) of the House of Representatives.
(b) To make available Order Paper daily in accordance with S.O. 14 (1) of the House of Representatives a day before the sitting date.
(c) To ensure that the official reports (Hansard) of the House of Representatives is published before 3.00 pm the next day for reference purposes of the members according to S.O. 10 of the House of Representatives.
(ii)   The Senate.
(a) To ensure that the Notice on the date of the sitting to all members of the Senate and the ministries are issued within 28 days from the date of the first day of the session under S.O. 8 (2) (a) of the Senate.
(b) To make available Order Paper daily in accordance with S.O. 13 (1) of the Senate a day before the sitting date.
(c) To ensure that the official reports (Hansard) of the Senate is published before 3.00 pm the next day for reference purposes of the members according to S.O. 9 of the Senate.
(iii) To manage and ensure that the tabling of Bills, getting the Royal assent, and to inform the Attorney General to  gazette the Bill to be an Act according to Article 66, 67 and 68 of the Federal Constitution.
2.          To foster closer relationships with the Parliaments of the world.
(i)   To handle official visits / working visits of foreign President / Speaker, Deputy President / Deputy Speaker and  Members of the Parliament to Malaysia within one month from the date of the visit.
(ii)  To handle official visit / working visit of the President / Speaker, Deputy President / Deputy Speaker and Members of the Malaysian Parliament to foreign countries within one month from the date of the visit.
(iii) To manage the participation of Members of the Malaysian Parliament to Conferences/ Meetings related to Parliamentary organizations outside the country within two months from the date of the conference.

  Client's Charter Achievement Status 2019

  * Note:- Client's charter achievement status is only updated once a year.



Last updated: 14 October 2019 | Hits: 24874

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