Parliament Building - Future Development
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Development project of Parliament of Malaysia will be continuously implemented by stages until 2016. According to plan, implementation of future project will involve renovation works of the Main Block, Tower Block, and the construction of block for Members of Parliament and Administration Offices.

The renovation and upgrading works of the Main Block has commence in 1 August 2014. The renovation works of the Main Block must be carried out to ensure the lifespan of the building can be extended and to ensure the safety of Members of Parliament and staff.

Considering that the original function of the Tower Block has been changed from the office for Ministers and Members of Parliament to Administrative Offices, the renovation and upgrading works for the block has to be carried out to ensure that the building structure can accomodate changes and be installed with the latest facilities of mechanical and electrical system by 2016. 

Under the Development Plan for Parliament of Malaysia, a Block for Members of Parliament and Administration Offices, including infrastructure which will be built in September 2015. With the implementation of the project at this phase, facilities that are more conducive for the Members of Parliament, Members of the Special Select Committee, Media and Parliament Staff will be materialised.

As the Parliament Building has been gazetted as National Heritage Building, renovation and upgrading works must comply with conservation conditions stipulated by National Heritage Department. With the implementation of the development project, Parliament Building will be a tourist attraction for both local and foreign visitors.

Last updated: 13 August 2015 | Hits: 8613

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